So where am I going with this story? Pictures.
The maintenance man was able to squeeze money out of the budget for some mulch to keep the weeds down. There are a few Hostas growing there. Last year they put in a watering system that waters the mulch ever couple of days. One early morning I went out to listen to the birds and there were these funny little white things that popped up in the mulch.
Don't know what they are - assuming a fungi of some sort. Didn't think of taking a picture then when they were all over the place. I waited until yesterday after temperatures of 90 degrees or more on Saturday and found just a few.
I believe they come out when it is damp and then die off or recede when it is dry and hot. I particularly like the picture to the right with the large leaf that the squirrel probably knocked down.
The fungi aging and dying
Carol likes to add things to decorate - here is her dog Buddy beside the large pinwheels she put in the garden in early summer.
A four foot planter in the garden with some additions to the flowers.
A resin bluebird house with a few additions stand in the corner of the planter.
Another neighbour down the hall added some parrots to the planter.
I don't know if you can see the colours - maybe it is one of those "you had to be there" things.