Thursday, January 10, 2013

Apology For Not Posting

Good morning. I'm so sorry but things have been a bit of  smozzle for me. That is my word for busy, confusing, sickening, etc.
I had a great Christmas. Christmas Eve with auntie, then to visit my brothers, my mom and my children and grandchildren. I like to give gifts to my siblings on Christmas Eve, though they don't open them till the next day, but for me it has been a tradition to visit on Christmas Eve. I experienced that with relatives on mom's side of the family when I went to Thunder Bay at the age of 17 - thinking my aunt was going to get me into Nursing School - but ended up only being there for a few weeks. From that memory and our families getting so big I decided that the only way to see everyone was to go visit.
Christmas day I stayed at the nursing home with auntie until three when I went to see my sister and her family then to mom's to see her and the relatives left over from having dinner with her. It was a peaceful time for me. I didn't create stress for me by trying to make things or trying to figure out what to buy. I gave pictures of our grandparents to my siblings and pictures or our parents to my children.
Did I mention that I really don't like the holidays? It's not that I don't like them it was just that I don't like the commercialism of it. The emotional stress that people are in and the fact that there are people who have nothing, never mind the people who don't celebrate and who choose to just damage or put down the decorations because of their beliefs or non-beliefs or whatever.
The dratted cold and flu has been running amuck in our families and my one nephew had this cold for over 5 weeks, my brother for over 3 but he did manage to be well enough to have knee surgery. I got the cold the Sunday after Christmas-it's still here and then mom ended up in hospital this past Sunday with the ugly flu and pneumonia.
Through all this 'stuff' I've been going to visit auntie and we are basically in palliative care mode with her - meaning she knows her body is shutting down with congestive heart failure, and liver failure - but because she is almost 95 she's chosen no surgeries, tests, treatments for whatever is going on inside. We are getting her affairs in order and I have the pleasure of sitting and hand-sewing or doing my embroidery with her but only if I have things to sew and embroider so I better get back at it.
I've finished making the doll that will be my version of St Kateri and gathered pieces to sew for her clothes. Going now to put the "kit" together and get to the nursing home.
I'll try to get back to posting soon. Have a good one.

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